Solar Savings Calculator

Estimate your potential savings and return on investment with solar energy.

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50 sq.m
10 sq.m200 sq.m

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Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is this calculator?

This calculator provides estimates based on average solar conditions in your region and typical installation costs. Actual savings may vary based on specific site conditions, local electricity rates, and the final system configuration.

Are government subsidies included?

No, the estimated costs shown are before any applicable government subsidies or incentives. Depending on your location and eligibility, you may qualify for additional savings through various solar subsidy programs.

How much roof space do I need?

On average, you need about 10 square meters of roof space for every 1 kW of solar capacity. A typical 5 kW residential system would require approximately 50 square meters of unshaded roof area.

What maintenance is required?

Solar panels require minimal maintenance. Occasional cleaning to remove dust and debris, typically 2-4 times per year, is usually sufficient. The inverter may need replacement after 10-15 years, while the panels themselves typically last 25+ years.